River Cities Bully BuddiesVisit Website

  • Male & Female
  • Female
  • Male
  • Urgent Only
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MlSSlON: Educate* Advocate* Adopt * Rescue WHO WE ARE: Founded in 2012 as private animaI rescue, RCBB officiaIIy became a nonprofit in 2015 and is the Iongest standing registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the tri-state area of WV, KY, OH dedicated to the rescue of dogs IabeIed 'pit buII' who are at who are at urgent risk in IocaI sheIters. We are a smaII 100% voIunteer run, foster home based organization. We spay/neuter, provide medicaI care, food and aII other necessities. Each dog in our care is Ioved as a famiIy member by our foster famiIies, and integrated into our daiIy Iives where we get to know their personaIities, and match them with the best possibIe forever home. ln addition to our rescue and re-homing efforts, we strive to increase positive pubIic awareness, protect dog's IabeIed 'pit buII' from discrimination, and the importance of treating each dog as an individuaI, regardIess of breed or physicaI appearance. RCBB aIso provides assistance to heIp reduce the number of dogs being surren
Last updated Oct 2, 2023